Network Question..

Chris Johns chrisj at
Tue Nov 2 10:52:22 UTC 2004

Wilfried Busalski wrote:
> I have a system with tcp/ip ethernet-interface  and tcp/ip modem-interface.
> If the system get a phonecall from outside it install's a tcp/ip connect.
> Same when the system lost connection via ethernet, it call's a connection
> via modem. that all is working good, but the problem if got is, that the
> modem can't install a correct default-gateway while the ethernet-connect has
> installed the default gateway before.

Why not delete the default gateway before you install the new default 
gateway ?

> My question: how can I install a second default-gateway to the
> modem-interface?

I did not think you can have 2 defaults, rather only a single default 
route, ie it is the default. My limited understanding is a routing 
application is needed to manage routes, ie RIP, OSPF, BGP etc.

Maybe this will help:

  Chris Johns

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