Remote Debugging with Coldfire

Chris Johns chrisj at
Wed Oct 27 21:15:39 UTC 2004

Steve Holle wrote:
> We are using a similar environment.


> What I'm really looking for is a 
> way of debugging using gdb over the network connection so we don't have 
> to take apart the failing unit to install a BDM.

I understand, and it is useful.

>  As I understand it, 
> the Coldfire MCF5272 allows BDM commands to be executed from the core.  
> I'm looking at librdbg in the RTEMS tree right now but don't know yet if 
> it's been ported to the Coldfire and if not, what is involved in doing so.

My preference is to use GDB's remote protocol. You may find this SF 
project useful:

Its code is GPL so you will not be able to ship in product without all 
your code needing to be release.

This may also help:

  Chris Johns

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