cygwin build_alias issue (and a possible workaround...)

Bogdan Vacaliuc bvacaliuc at
Tue Sep 14 09:36:35 UTC 2004

Thanks Chris,

Hmm.  Well.  Interesting.  For me, ccjfail (without --srcdir's) fails, but all the rest don't (within the time I'm willing to wait

Let's settle on ccjfail as the fail function (see if removing the --srcdir items (3 of them) still makes it fail for you), then our
systems are in common.  In the attached script I made the default ccjfail

> I have and I attach the script for you plus the fail.log (appended 
> together). Note, all the failing tests on WinME pass on 
> WindowsXP with 
> MSYS. More below ...


There was some activity on the cygwin list recently.

We're beginning to narrow down the issue after some straces were captured.  There is a M$ bug I referenced:

"BUG: Registry access from multiple threads might fail" (WinNT, Win2K);en-us;176906

Which applies only to WinNT and Win2K, but not (apparently) to WinXP?

Would everyone who is watching this thread, please let us know if the attached script fails on their machine within a small number
of iterations, and also what OS they are running?

$ ./test-configure

I'm particularly curious now if people with WinXP are testing/building OK, but those with Win2K and otherwise are not.  This would
lend some credence to M$ KB176906 and suggest a possible workaround in either the bash or the cygwin.dll code...


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