Not quite (Cygwin build_alias bug hunt)

Scott Newell newell at
Sat Sep 18 18:11:39 UTC 2004

At 12:26 PM 9/18/2004 , Bogdan Vacaliuc wrote:
>[I was composing this post, and I just saw your message, so I figured I
would send it out now in reference to Scott's latest]

Synchronicity?  ;-)

>2) Expand the sources:
>	$ cd /usr/src
>	$ ./ prep

This step failed for me:
$ ./ prep
./ line 72: syntax error near unexpected token `&&'
./ line 72: `  && touch ${srcdir}/configure'

I changed the shell script to:
prep() {
  (cd ${topdir} && \
  tar xv${opt_decomp}f ${src_orig_pkg} ; \
  cd ${topdir} && \
  patch -p0 < ${src_patch}  && touch ${srcdir}/configure  && mkdirs )

And things seemed to work out.

>The resulting bash executable will be found in
/usr/src/bash-2.05b/.build/bash.exe, but it will need to be stripped and
placed in
>/bin/bash.exe manually.
>	$ ( cd bash-2.05b ; make strip )

I think you mean "cd bash-2.05b/.build" here.

I'm running the test script and a efi332 bsp build right now...we'll see
how this works.  (Oh, I did restore the original cygwin1.dll as well.)


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