test sp16 failed

Philippe Simons loki_666 at fastmail.fm
Mon Aug 22 19:54:31 UTC 2005

I'm having some issue with region manager and my bsp, but dont have a
clue on why
here is the output of sp16.exe

*** TEST 16 ***
TA1 - rtems_region_ident - rnid => 32010002
TA1 - rtems_region_get_segment - wait on 100 byte segment from region 2
TA1 - got segment from region 2 - 0x00000040
TA1 - rtems_region_get_segment - wait on 3K segment from region 3
TA1 - got segment from region 3 - 0x00000080
TA1 - rtems_region_get_segment - get 3080 byte segment from region 1 -
TA1 - got segment from region 1 - 0x00000060
TA1 - rtems_task_wake_after - yield processor
TA2 - rtems_region_get_segment - wait on 2K segment from region 1
TA3 - rtems_region_get_segment - wait on 3968 byte segment from region 2

rtems_region_get_segment FAILED -- expected (successful completion) got
(specified size was invalid)

the gp32 bsp is based on csb336 bsp



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