Debugging RTEMS APP

Keith Robertson kjrobert at
Wed Dec 28 00:56:39 UTC 2005

sunpeng at wrote:
>>>where can I find the files "no-dpmem_g.rel no-event_g.rel "etc. ?
>>The no-*_g.rel files are the debug binaries for rtems itself.  You're 
>>trying to build a debug version of the hello_world_c program without the 
>>  rtems debug binaries.  You need to build the debug version of rtems 
>>with  'make RTEMS_BSP=leon2 VARIANT=debug'.
> Do you mean I have to rebuild the RTEMS Cross Compiler?

No, you just need to make an additional build of rtems with the above 
command.  The files you've listed above are a part of rtems, not gcc (or 
rtems version of gcc for that matter).


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