No rule to make target `new-exceptions/cpu.c'

Joel Sherrill <> joel.sherrill at
Wed Feb 23 18:17:57 UTC 2005

Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 11:59 -0500, Peter Dufault wrote:
>>I've gone through the configuration and build on Fedora 3 now as well 
>>as FreeBSD.  When I try to build psim (or mvme5500, which is what I 
>>eventually want to get to) on both systems it eventually stops with:
>>*** No rule to make target `new-exceptions/cpu.c', needed by 
>>`new-exceptions/new_exceptions_rtems_cpu_rel-cpu.o'.  Stop.
>>The configuration I'm using is:
>>and the behavior is the same whether I add "--enable-rtemsbsp=psim" or 
>>leave it out and do make RTEMS_BSP=psim.
> As I already outlined on PM, some exception-related directories have
> been moved in CVS. Therefore the information you are providing is
> insufficent to be answered.
> Most probably you need to 
> cvs up -dP
> ./bootstrap -c
> ./bootstrap
> Also, make sure to have the patch attached to PR 546 applied to your
> auto, and make sure to have /opt/rtems-4.7/bin at the beginning of your
> $PATH.

Why are you still using an automake that is a few verions old?

AFAIK neither 1.8.2 nor 1.9.2 required a patch.

>>Since there has been a lot of discussion of new-exceptions, can someone 
>>verify that psim should build OK if I've got things configured 
> Yes, 100s of times.

Double, triple yes. :)


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