[possible regression] pc386/ne2000 networking is not running on rtems-trunk

Karel Gardas kgardas at objectsecurity.com
Fri Jan 14 12:10:32 UTC 2005


just playing with trunk and 4-6-branch and found that dnstest which is
running well on 4-6-branch is not running anymore on head. I have not
investigated it more yet, I've thought I will just ask if there are any
obvious or known issues with pc386 BSP and ne2000 implementation on trunk
and/or if the network configuration changed so older (4.6.x) is not
supported on trunk anymore.

PS: everything tested on qemu from cvs from beginning of this week
Karel Gardas                  kgardas at objectsecurity.com
ObjectSecurity Ltd.           http://www.objectsecurity.com

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