rtl8139 network card driver

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at internode.on.net
Mon Mar 28 19:48:41 UTC 2005

Grigori Khmyrov wrote:

> Dear RTEMS guru,
> I saw a big discussion in 2002 about somebody wanted to write driver 
> for rtl8139 network card.
> Is it any rtl8139 drivers available or is it a way to make the card work?

I was involved in part of the discussion in that I wanted one written. I 
have searched through my archives and there are two main threads.
One says that the 8139 in NE2000 campatible, but there are some minor 
Adriano Verardo gave a driver, but I have not tested it yet because I am 
flat out with other work right now. I have sent you this in another 
email. Maybe you can let us know how you go with it.

> Thank you,
> Grigori

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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