Problems with gcc-4.0.1 libstdc++ and mvme5500

Phillip Sorensen pas37 at
Tue Nov 15 15:59:34 UTC 2005

I have been trying to get cexp-1.5/RTEMS-GeSys_2.1.beta running on the 
MVME5500 with rtems-  I seem to have run into an issue with the 
libstdc++ library created by gcc-4.0.1.  When I compile RTEMS-GeSys to 
link in libstdc++ I get an exception 3 on RTEMS startup.  The same thing 
happens if I try running the iostream sample.  If I build the same 
source with the tools for RTEMS-4.6.x, everything seems fine.  Both 
RTEMS-GeSys and iostream run with out the error.

The problem appears to be in a function called 
_Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii.  Using the excludes in 
RTEMS-GeSys to exclude parts of libstdc++, it seems that the problem is 
caused if the bitmap_allocator.o and/or codecvt.o object files are linked.

I found PR712 which refers to similar problems with gcc-3.3.5.  Are 
there any know issues with using gcc 3.x compilers and rtems-4.7 code?

Phil Sorensen

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