File upload patch merged with GoAhead Web server

Paul Whitfield paulw at
Mon Nov 28 23:56:59 UTC 2005

Steve Strobel wrote:
> At 06:48 PM 11/22/2005, you wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We have successfully merged the "File Upload Patch" for
>> the GoAhead Webserver into the RTEMS version of the web server.
>> This supports the upload of binary files via http post.
>> We are using it for firmware upgrading via the Web Interface.
>> Browsing the mailing list I can see that Steve Holle
>> has also done this in the past.
> I don't believe that he ever got that working.  We (I work on the same 
> project) are using ftpd for firmware updates, which is working fine but 
> isn't as nice as a web interface would be.

Yes the web interface for uploading is very nice, I also use
the upload for restoring device configuration.

>> I assume that others would be interested in this and would be
>> happy to provide the code as a contrib package or for merging
>> into the main tree.
> I would love to see that in the main tree, as we hope in greatly expand 
> our use of the web interface in the future.  Another thing standing in 
> our way has been our inability to find much documentation for GoAhead 
> (even the docs that were apparently available at one time seemed to 
> disappear when they started promoting their commercial version).  Have 
> you found any good references you could point me to?  Thanks a bunch.

Yes the documentation is sadly lacking and the product seems to be
quite stagnant from the GoAhead support point of view.

The main problem with the documentation really is the
lack of examples. Once you have a few pages in place
it is quite simple to do.

Basically I was able to get hold of some example code and
worked the rest out from there.

I did find this wiki with some useful tips:
also the news server from the GoAhead website
is handy to browse.

The news server is at

Hope that helps



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