PR469 IDE problem, was: Re: Any New 4.6.4 Issues

Thomas Doerfler (nt) Thomas.Doerfler at
Thu Sep 15 07:38:45 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1


I have looked at your problem again. I think you will not get
autodetection of available drives soon, but I have modified the pc386
BSP to make the used IDE interfaces configurable. See the attached patch.

Would you apply the attached patch to your RTEMS source tree and perform
a "bootstrap" to it?

After bootstrapping, you will have two options in the pc386 BSP:

- - the option IDE_USE_PRIMARY_INTERFACE is enabled by default, you should
disable it (set it to 0)
- - the option IDE_USE_SECONDARY_INTERFACE is disabled by default, you
should enable it (set it to 1)

These options are available in
"lib/libbsp/i386/pc386/include"bspopts.h", you can modify them there (in
your build directory tree), and maybe there is also some way to do this
in the "configure" tool, but I got no idea how this might be done...

With this configuration, the BSP should only try to access the secondary
IDE interface in your system.

I would be glad if things get better with this patch, it would be a
feasable solution for PR469 then.


Angelo Fraietta schrieb:
> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>> Angelo Fraietta wrote:
>>> How do I find the status of
>>> filesystem/649
>>> ATA driver hangs on initialisation with No primary IDE
>> and view the PR.
>> On this one, no one has provided any feedback in GNATS.
>> I remember discussions on the mailing list.  Do you remember
>> if any suggestions on what to try or what was happening
>> were made?  It would be nice at least to get URLs to these
>> discussions in the PR.
> The start of the my identification of this problem is
> The system hangs if there is no primary master IDE. This becomes a
> problem with me working on a PC104 system that has a compact flash card
> that plugs into the Secondary master. I can't continue working with this
> module while this bug is still there.
> Once this gets sorted (and I finish my thesis -- hopefully this year), I
> can get to work on getting the ethernet working and then the sound card
> (I already have RTEMS drivers that need to be tested).
> The IDE, however, is the greatest problem. Until that is sorted, I am
> unable to continue working with this system.
>> If you have a solution in your back pocket, it would be
>> welcomed. :)
> I know what was happening, however, i don't have any solution
> I would also like to get this going because the vendor I got the system
> from deals a lot with PC104 systems and is interested in RTEMS from what
> I have shown him with the DIMPC; however, until he sees it running on a
> system that he sells out of the box, it will be hard to convert him to

- --
- --------------------------------------------
IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
email:    Thomas.Doerfler at
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