problem with privilege with posix RTEMS

Matteo matteo.posterli at
Mon Feb 6 09:41:15 UTC 2006

I have a problem with thread posix , can you help me to resolve it?
The problem is the following; 
I have to test RTEMS using a scheduler posix, I have compiled the scheduler 
with RTEMS using the Makefile of the example psx_sched_report, opportunely 
modified, but I have a problem when I reboot the system. From the bootLoader
(grub 1.5) I choose to launch the scheduler and I have an error, this error is 
like I don't have the privilege to set the priority of the task. 
I try to launch the scheduler in linux in a normally way, like a root and re-
compiled for my linux, and I didn't have problem.
So Can I resolve the problem? 
It appears like I don't have enought privilege, like I was not root, but it's 
impossible because I launch my scheduler like a Operative System from the boot 
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance

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