Problems redirecting stdin/out for a task in

Till Straumann strauman at
Fri Jan 6 00:05:19 UTC 2006

Brett Swimley wrote:
> Till -
> I'm noticing something similar to this with the rtems_monitor 
> (mon-monitor.c).  I tried your change by adding
> fileno(STDIN_FILENO);

This is certainly bad, bad. fileno() expects a 'FILE *' argument
but you give it what it is supposed to return (an integer file descriptor).

> prior to the tcgetattr, and tcsetattr calls for STDIN_FILENO.
> I also tried fileno(stdout) as you suggested.

Please attach your code.


> Still no luck.
> Any other thoughts or comments?
> Regards,
> Brett Swimley
> Till Straumann wrote:
>> Hmm - I do something very similar in a modified version of telnetd.c 
>> and indeed did observe
>> something similar.
>>> - has anybody already fixed this?
>> Here's my workaround:
>>    /* newlib hack/workaround. Before we change stdin/out/err we must make
>>     * sure the internal data are initialized (fileno(stdout) has this 
>> sideeffect).
>>     * This should probably be done from RTEMS' libc support layer...
>>     * (T.S., newlibc-1.13; 2005/10)
>>     */
>>    fileno(stdout);
>> HTH
>> -- Till
>>> wkr,
>>> Thomas Doerfler.

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