Some questions about building release / debug versions of a RTEMS application

Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis fabricio at
Thu Jan 19 16:29:30 UTC 2006

Hello all,

I'm trying to create debug and release versions of an applicaton, but I'm
having some difficulties. I'm using a makefile based on the "hello_world_c"
makefile. With this makefile, any RTEMS executable I build has a size of
about 1MB.

This exe is a debug version; how to create a release version? Is it
necessary to create a different RTEMS build and change the
RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH? (but my RTEMS libraries were built using 'make all
install', not 'make VARIANT=debug')

Or just set some tags in the makefile?

One more question: I'm a little bit confused concerning setting the managers
to include. I inform the managers with the MANAGERS variable in the
makefile, but it doesn't appears to have effect.

In some previous messages here in the list, it's said that this is not
necessary anymore, and that only referred managers would be included in the
resulting exe. Is this correct, and valid to both release and debug

Thanks in advance,


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