grub help needed

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Thu Jan 19 14:42:41 UTC 2006

Karel Gardas wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Jan 2006, Jerome Hugues wrote:
>> qemu -fda $GRUB_DISK -hda fat:$EXPORT_DIR -monitor stdio -boot
>                             ^^^
> This is probably an option which Joel was looking for IMHO.
Nice option.  Much better.  Now I can just ignore anything but the
small boot image and avoid mtools in the run script.  Good idea.

This gets me closer.  I can now at least boot grub but reports that it can't
mount the selected partition to run "(hd0)/test.exe".  When I do a tab
completion following (hd0), it says  "filesystem type unknown, using
whole disk".  I have looked a tteh grub manual and see an explanation of
the message but no clue on how to solve it.

What's the next trick? :(

> Karel
> -- 
> Karel Gardas                  kgardas at
> ObjectSecurity Ltd. 

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