help: How to set up an application under RTEMS 4.7?

Avy Strominger astrominger at
Sat Jan 28 10:13:32 UTC 2006

Well, after a very long effort I think that I was able to get an odd 
configuration working for cygwin-powerpc-rtems with Ada.  I have built 
everything (i.e. binutils, gcc, cross-binuitls, cross-gcc, gdb 6.3 and 
rtems- - although I'm afraid that the gcc and cross-gcc builds 
cannot be performed again - they were based on february 2005 snapshots 
and patches that I don't have anymore ... :-( )

Now, I would like to set up an RTEMS application and build it (C 
application on the first step, Ada will follow).  The question is how do 
I do it?
The documentation relates to 4.6.4 and doesn't seem the same for 4.7.
If possible, I would like to have a simple setup that doesn't need 

Avy Strominger
astrominger at

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