RTEMS Capture Engine

Luca Germano lucagermano at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 11 13:21:48 UTC 2006

Hi to all. I'm using RTEMS on a Leon3 board.
I develop an application to communicate from PC to Leon3 board via RS232.
RTEMS on Leon3 use RS232 as stdio.
I read about RTEMS Capture Engine on
I follow the instruction so I add
#include <rtems/monitor.h>
#include <rtems/capture-cli.h>

  rtems_monitor_init (0);
  rtems_capture_cli_init (0);

to my Init task. During the download of the SW on Leon3 board I have the 
following error message:Target is not responding (Time Out)
Have someone use the Capture Engine on Leon3?

Thanks a lot

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