ATA/IDE disk access using PIO and interrupt

Thomas Doerfler (nt) Thomas.Doerfler at
Fri Jun 2 05:46:12 UTC 2006


Yan Luo schrieb:
> Hello Thomas,
> I still have a question. When you said "works like a charm", do you mean
> it works for powerpc/gen5200?


> I don't see any irq.h or irq.c under c/src/lib/libbsp/i386/pc386. The
> interrupt vector BSP_SIU_IRQ_ATA is defined for powerpc/gen5200 in its
> irq.h, but NOT for i386. I don't think I can use that irq number for i386.

yes, you are right, the interrupt number defined in the gen5200 BSP is
only suitable for the MPC5200 microcontroller. I am sorry, but I am not
an expert for the i286 architecture. I can only give you a guess:
interrupt number 14 MIGHT be the right one to use for the primary IDE


> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Yan
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Doerfler"
> <Thomas.Doerfler at>
> To: "Eugeny S. Mints" <emints at>
> Cc: "Yan Luo" <yan_luo at>; <rtems-users at>
> Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 10:11 AM
> Subject: Re: ATA/IDE disk access using PIO and interrupt
> Eugeny,
> Eugeny S. Mints schrieb:
>>>> Hello Yan,
> ...
>>>> you mentioned you are on 4.6.2 but you could check and take a
>>>> look at powerpc/gen5200 bsp. ide/idecfg.c in this bsp has 'int_driven'
>>>> flag set under 'ifdef ATA_USE_INT'. Since ATA_USE_INT is undefined in
>>>> bsp.h for this bsp I have no idea whether anybody gives this a try but I
>>>> guess Thomas could shed a light on this :)
> Yes, ok, we found that aswell. And in our current patched sources
> ATA_USE_INT is defined (and works like a charm :-)
> wkr,
> Thomas.
> --
> --------------------------------------------
> IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
> Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
> D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
> email:    Thomas.Doerfler at
> PGP public key available at:

IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
email:    Thomas.Doerfler at
PGP public key available at:

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