TI C3X/C4X simulator?

DSP Builder dspbuilder at verizon.net
Wed Oct 25 19:15:58 UTC 2006

I'm interesting in trying out RTEMS for use with a C3X platform. The
documentation says the c3xsim packages supports running it on a GDB C3X
simulator. Does anyone know where to get that simulator?

More detail: info on the web indicates that the simulator was developed
as a patch for gdb, but was never part of the standard GDB distribution.
www.elec.canterbury.ac.nz/c4x/ talks about it, but doesn't have the
actual patch. I emailed the website's owner, and he no longer has it. I
didn't find it in any of the patches on the RTEMS site either.

So, does anybody know if this simulator still exists? Even a noncurrent
version would be helpful.

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