Support for the ne2000 (1)

Daron Chabot daron.chabot at
Mon Oct 23 14:53:25 UTC 2006

Alexandre Constantino wrote:

>For whatever wicked reason QEMU doesn't like networking with RTEMS... At
>least on my computer.
I get the same result trying to use Qemu with RTEMS on my Ibook (ppc 
host, i386 guest) *and* on a linux machine (debian, i386 host and guest).

>The reason for this seems to be due to the repeated resets the card is
>sujected to. I'm contantly getting "ne2000: device timeout" 
yup... i get the "device timeout" symptom as well. Seems that the 
watchdog routine is a relatively new addition to the ne2k driver...

If you get this solved *please* let me know... running RTEMS with 
networking inside mac os 10.4 would be sooo cool :-) Besides, just about 
everything else seems to work (rtems++ tests, etc).

-- dc

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