RTEMS for ezKit533

汪庆 wang816qing at 163.com
Thu Aug 2 03:13:41 UTC 2007

Hello RTEMS gurus,
         I am new to this list to start with RTEMS for my new project.
   The CPU on proejct has been determined to useBF533(which is a uion in BLACKFIN). But not yet
   determined for RTOS.
        After I reviewed several RTOS, RTEMS is good enough for the
   project. But I am wondering if RTEMS supports enough for the CPU, I also konw RTEMS support
   the Blackfin CPU only in Nov.12th in 2006.  I think it was too new to support enough for Blackfin CPU.
   Because I have cross compile the Hello example two week ago,But still can run succsesfully on the ezkitBF533.
  I am afraid that it can't suppurt enough for the ASM instruction(which run ok in the VDSP4.5++,
  but run not OK with the RTEMS(I debug the hello example with the SKYEYE,only found:when excute
"p1.h = hi(flashA_csio);
 p1.l = lo(flashA_csio) + portA_data_out;
 r0 = 0x0;
 w[p1] = r0;
especially " w[p1] = r0;",it said "Watchdog expired. target detached",from this I think the RTEMS is support not enough good
for Blackfin CPU.
     And our finally product(with RTEMS) should has the function:LCD,WIFI,USB,Do you think RTEMS now can meet this function?
    The above is only my idea.Everyone who has another idea may tell me,also who has test successefully with the "hello,ticker example on the ezkit533"
aslo can tell me how to correctly set or do.
    Thanks for your attention.
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