Looking for BSP for Atmel AT91SAM7X-EK

Kate Feng feng1 at bnl.gov
Mon Dec 17 14:53:25 UTC 2007

Joel Sherrill wrote:

> Kate Feng wrote:
>> Till Straumann wrote:
>>> Ralf Corsepius wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2007-12-12 at 21:27 -0700, Andrei Chichak wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Joel,
>>>>> Are there any docs around dealing with putting together a new BSP? 
>>>>> I have taken a look at the BSP and porting guides but there 
>>>>> doesn't seem to be a section on which configuration files to munge 
>>>>> to get the bootstrap procedure to pick up the new BSP.
>>>> Well, actually, it's pretty simple.
>>>> 1. cd <src>/c/src/lib/libbsp/<cpu>
>>>> and copy over the BSP which resembles to your BSP most
>>>> cp <bsp> <mybsp>
>>>> 2. edit your bsp's files below <mybsp>/
>>>> [The actual act of porting]
>>> If I may comment: that would be pretty bad practice.
>>> A better way would be
>>>  - make parts in <bsp> that are similar enough to what
>>>    'mybsp' needs a library that supports both, <bsp> and
>>>    <mybsp>. Try to make interfaces generic enough so that
>>>    they could be useful to a yet more similar BSP that
>>>    may be created in the future (but also: try to keep it simple).
>>>  - modify <bsp> so it uses the (new) library
>>>  - let <mybsp> use the library
>>>  - only add new parts that are really specific to <mybsp>
>>> The myriad of powerpc BSPs are a painful example of
>>> the result of the 'copy + edit' strategy when creating new
>>> BSPs. It's maintenance hell.
>> I somehow agree with what Ralf Corsepius wrote :
>> > The poor shape the powerpc BSPs are in is a result of lack of RTEMS
>> > internal APIs and structural defects of the source code (esp. the
>> > "shared" dirs).
>> Technically speaking, to reduce maintence effort effectively, one
>> should start to think about C++ for Object Orient Programming.
> If you want to write applications in C++, I am all for it
> and do it myself.  But don't introduce it in the BSPs or
> device drivers in RTEMS.
> It is appropriate to think about OO design techniques. 

What's wrong with C++ in the BSPs or  device drivers in
RTEMS if one felt the maintenance hell ?


> --joel
>> Kate
>>> T.
>>>> 3. cd <src>/c/src
>>>> ../../bootstrap
>>>> The next configure run should pick up <mybsp> automatically.
>>>> Ralf
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