Request Help with NFS Client Test

Till Straumann strauman at
Mon Jul 16 19:19:35 UTC 2007

How do you use qemu/PPC with RTEMS?
What BSP do you use and how do you boot it?


Joel Sherrill wrote:
> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>> In order to make the information provided more useful
>>> you should:
>>> a) change your BSP so it produces a stack trace
>>>     from the exception handler (try
>>>     libcpu/powerpc/shared/src/stack.c: CPU_print_stack())
>>> b) post your binary (elf file) along with the register
>>>     and stack dump.
>> Wouldn't it be easier to run my test and see if
>> it works for you with the NFS mounts changed
>> or is horribly broken?
>> The back track shows it is a NULL jump in the
>> network driver.
>> 0x00053EA8--> 0x0004E080--> 0x0004E164--> 0x00000006--> 0x0004B5D8
>> 0x0004C2E0--> 0x00069458--> 0x00098A24--> 0x0009899C
>> 0x00053EA8--> CPU_print_stack
>> 0x0004E080--> C_exception_handler
>> 0x0004E164--> push_normalized_frame
>> 0x00000006--> ?????
>> 0x0004B5D8--> mpc5200_eth_mii_read
>> 0x0004C2E0--> mpc5200_fec_txDaemon
>> 0x00069458--> soconnsleep
>> 0x00098A24--> _Thread_Handler
>> 0x0009899C--> _Thread_Handler
>> Thomas .. can you try this test on your hardware.  I
>> will commit the NFS client test to the network demos
>> and hopefully you can track it down.
> Doesn't crash on qemu.  I can't mount a filesystem
> on the host OS yet but I suspect that I need to
> add a route.
> Till could you try to get this working on qemu and
> see what magic I am missing?  I have to be close.
> Please.
>>> That said -- looking at your source code it seems
>>> that (at least on the 4.7 branch) using a NULL pointer
>>> for the first argument to RTEMS 'mount' is illegal.
>> I saw your comment (gripe?) in the README
>> and fixed it Friday in CVS.  :)
>>> You could also use the convenience wrapper 'nfsMount()'
>>> which does a DNS lookup (non thread-safe gethostbyname!)
>>> and creates a mount-point (not nested directories, though)
>>> if necessary:
>>> nfsMount("server","/export","/home")
>>> both methods are explained in the rtemsNFS README.
>> I was trying hard to follow that to create
>> the example.
>> I tried the nfsMount call and it didn't even change
>> the behavior.  Maybe this is just tripping a bug in
>> the NIC driver. <sigh>
>> I am going to try this on another BSP and see what happens.
>> --joel
>>> HTH
>>> T.
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