
Eric Norum norume at aps.anl.gov
Wed Mar 21 19:22:19 UTC 2007

On Mar 21, 2007, at 2:13 PM, Sergei Organov wrote:

> As for changing current semantics of RTEMS_SIMPLE_BINARY_SEMAPHORE,  
> I'm
> afraid some existing code might be affected, and adding yet another
> different kind of "semaphore" may add to already existing confusion.

I don't think that you would be changing the semantics (other than  
fixing a possible bug) -- how many ways are there for a simple binary  
semaphore to operate?

> Anyway, if decision will be to add true binary semaphores support  
> to the
> RTEMS API, I'll be happy to provide a patch. [Note that RTEMS kernel
> does have the support].

I vote yes.
Any comments from the rest of you folks out there?

Eric Norum <norume at aps.anl.gov>
Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory
(630) 252-4793

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