Problems with RTEMS-4.7.1 pc386 BSP
Joel Sherrill
joel.sherrill at
Wed May 23 15:04:53 UTC 2007
Eric Norum wrote:
> I'm surprised to find problems with the pc386 BSP. Surely this must
> be one of the more heavily used architectures. so why am I the first
> to run into this problem?
I checked the build logs for the 4.7 branch and the pc386 BSP for changes
since 4.7.1 -- no build errors and no changes. The last build did include
all tests and was on 21 May.
Can you generate a .map and see what happened?
It does beg the question -- why does the pc386 BSP have its own assert?
> When linking an application I get:
> /usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.7/bin/i386-rtems4.7-g++ -B/usr/local/rtems/
> rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/ -specs bsp_specs -qrtems -o
> rtemsTestHarness -static -L/private/tmp/ep/lib/RTEMS-pc386 -u
> Init /usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/no-dpmem.rel /
> usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/no-mp.rel /usr/
> local/rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/no-part.rel /usr/local/
> rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/no-signal.rel /usr/local/
> rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/no-rtmon.rel -Wl,-Ttext,
> 0x100000 rtemsTestHarness.o epicsCalcTest.o
> epicsAlgorithmTest.o epicsMathTest.o epicsStdioTest.o
> epicsStringTest.o epicsTimeTest.o epicsThreadTest.o
> epicsThreadPriorityTest.o epicsThreadPrivateTest.o epicsExitTest.o
> epicsTimerTest.o ringPointerTest.o epicsEventTest.o epicsMutexTest.o
> epicsExceptionTest.o epicsMessageQueueTest.o macEnvExpandTest.o
> blockingSockTest.o epicsRunLibComTests.o epicsThreadPerform.o
> epicsMaxThreads.o buckTest.o -lCom -lreadline -lncurses -lm -
> lrtemsCom -lrtemscpu -lCom -lrtemsNfs -lm
> usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/librtemsbsp.a
> (console.rel): In function `__assert':
> /usr/local/rtems/src/4.7.1/
> rtems-4.7.1/c/src/lib/libbsp/i386/pc386/console/console.c:156:
> multiple definition of `__assert'
> /usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/librtemscpu.a
> (libcsupport_a-__assert.o):/usr/local/rtems/src/4.7.1/
> ftp/pub/rtems/4.7.1/rtems-4.7.1/c/src/../../cpukit/libcsupport/src/
> __assert.c:17: first defined here
> /usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.7/lib/gcc/i386-rtems4.7/4.1.2/../../../../
> i386-rtems4.7/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `__assert' changed from
> 41 in /usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-rtems4.7/pc386/lib/librtemscpu.a
> (libcsupport_a-__assert.o) to 133 in /usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.7/i386-
> rtems4.7/pc386/lib/librtemsbsp.a(console.rel)
> I propose that the __assert in c/src/lib/libbsp/i386/pc386/console/
> console.c be removed.
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