data abort after rtems_bsdnet_initialize_network ()

Chris Johns chrisj at
Mon Nov 12 23:42:52 UTC 2007

Rochat Joël wrote:
> Hello !
> I try to use the network interface with the csb337 but when I use the
> rtems_bsdnet_initialize_network () there is a data abort after 10 s.

What does 'data abort' mean ?

Is something printed on the console ?
Do you see some type of packet that indicates an abort in a protocol ?

> Do you
> think that I have a trouble with the networkconfig.h file ?

You have only posted a small part of networkconfig.h so it is difficult to say 
if there is a problem.

Can you ping the target once the network is connected ?
Can you ping with large sizes, eg 30k ?

> I don't know how to configure this part :
> 	6,			/* Default network task priority */

This depends on the demands of your system. The only correct priority is the 
one that works for you and your application.

> 	128*1024,			/* Default mbuf capacity */
> 	256*1024,			/* Default mbuf cluster capacity */

These should be enough to allow testing. This how-ever depends on the amount 
of data in the system and if TCP or UDP is being used.


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