panic error with powerpc/virtex BSP

Jukka Pietarinen jukka.pietarinen at
Tue Oct 2 11:13:08 UTC 2007


Pierre Kestener wrote:
> I am having problems in running the RTEMS helloworld example on a ML405 
> board (very similar to ML403). I made the FPGA design with the Xilinx 
> EDK tool and then modified the xparameters_dflt.h that is in the RTEMS 
> BSP with the one generated by EDK.
> When running the helloworld, i receive the following output:
> opb_intc_init: mask = 0x7
> rtems- 405/virtex) PANIC ERROR 5
> system stopped, press RESET
> I am not sure to what refer the number 5 as a PANIC ERROR. Has someone 
> an idea of what could done here ?

I think there is a problem with the linkcmds of the virtex BSP in The linker script defines _end to be at the end of the .data 
section whereas I think it should be defined to be at the end of .bss. 
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Attached please find diff against a linkcmds I'm using for a Virtex II 
Pro board.



Jukka Pietarinen
Micro-Research Finland Oy
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