rtems-users Digest, Vol 19, Issue 2

Madhusudan C.S madhusudancs at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 05:13:28 UTC 2008

Hi Joel and all,
      I am extremely sorry for updating this information very late. As I
said earlier I was not in my city for 4 days and I had no Internet access at
the place I stayed. Please excuse me.

> I have made a table in our Wiki with some basic
> information about the proposals we have so far.
> If you are a student, please update it with the
> following basic information:
> + 1st/2nd language - If given a choice of multiple
>  mentors, we will pick the one who matches your
>  languages.
> + general geographic location - Not too specific.
>  State in US, country/region.  Just enough to let
>  a mentor know that there you are on the same
>  timezone and a face to face meeting MIGHT be
>  possible.

I have updated the information now.

Thanks and regards,
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