what exception model should I use ?

阎淼 yanmiaobest at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 12:01:33 UTC 2008


   I am using rtems4.8,  and the README file is allocated at
c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc, some of the contents:

   At this time, support is included for the following PowerPC
family members using the new exception processing model:

  + mpc505
  + mpc5xx (5xx devices other than 505/509)
  + mpc6xx
  + mpc750
  + mpc821
  + mpc823 (uses mpc821 directory)
  + mpc850 (uses mpc860 directory)
  + mpc860
  + mpc8260

The following PowerPC family members are supported but
still use the old exception processing model:

  + ppc403
  + ppc405 (uses ppc403 directory)
  + ppc6xx (no libcpu support)
 so I thought ppc603e is supported by old exception processing model.

and If I use new exception processing, I should just use code under
c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/new-exception, right?

do I need to define any special macros ?

2008/4/6, Thomas Doerfler (nt) <Thomas.Doerfler at imd-systems.de>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> this is simple, use the new one, because the "old" is no longer supported.
> which README did you consult? which RTEMS version are you using?
> wkr,
> Thomas.
> 阎淼 schrieb:
> | Hi,
> |    I have a ppc603e based borad, which exception model should I use,
> | new or old?( I think it should be old exception model accroding to the
> | README file).
> |    and what macro should I define to chose between the two? and where
> | can I find the clock driver support, is it similar to ppc403?
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