H8SX port having problems in _User_extensions_Thread_create()

Steven Grunza grunza at ulticom.com
Thu Aug 21 16:42:57 UTC 2008

There's a line in cpukit/score/src/userextthreadcreate.c in the function
_User_extensions_Thread_create() that reads:

      status = (*the_extension->Callouts.thread_create)(
_Thread_Executing, the_thread );

This appears to be calling _libc_create_hook() with the first argument
set to 0x00487eb0 and the second argument set to 0.

0x00487eb0 is the value of the_thread and appears to be somewhat sane.
A dump of the structure is below.

Where can I find the documentation on _libc_create_hook()?  I'm not
certain it should be getting called at this point (the crash happens
early in the startup process somewhere between the calling of this
function and it's return.

Any help appreciated.

Here's the dump.  It looks better on-screen but inserting graphics into
e-mail doesn't always work well for communities with *nix, Windows, and
Mac members.

the_thread      0x00487eb0 { ER5 }      (Thread_Control*)
        *        { 00487EB0 }   (Thread_Control)
                Object   { 00487EB0 }   (Objects_Control)
                current_state   H'00000001 { 00487EC0 } (States_Control)
                current_priority        H'000000ff { 00487EC4 }
                real_priority   H'000000ff { 00487EC8 }
                resource_count  H'00000000 { 00487ECC } (uint32_t)
                Wait     { 00487ED0 }   (Thread_Wait_information)
                Timer    { 00487EF8 }   (Watchdog_Control)
                suspend_count   H'00000000 { 00487F20 } (uint32_t)
                is_global       H'b0b0b0b0 { 00487F24 } (boolean)
                do_post_task_switch_extension   H'b0b0b0b0 { 00487F28 }
                is_preemptible  H'b0b0b0b0 { 00487F2C } (boolean)
                rtems_ada_self  0x00000000 { 00487F30 } (void*)
                cpu_time_budget H'b0b0b0b0 { 00487F34 } (uint32_t)
                budget_algorithm        H'b0b0 { 00487F38 }
                budget_callout   { 00487F3C }
                cpu_time_used    { 00487F40 }   (struct timespec)
                ready   0x00487e84 { 00487F48 } (Chain_Control*)
                Priority_map     { 00487F4C }   (Priority_Information)
                Start    { 00487F58 }   (Thread_Start_information)
                Registers        { 00487F8C }   (Context_Control)
                libc_reent      0x00000000 { 00487FB4 } (struct _reent*)
                API_Extensions   { 00487FB8 }   (void[3]*)
                extensions      0x00000000 { 00487FC4 } (void**)
                task_variables  0xb0b0b0b0 { 00487FC8 }

"Unix is user friendly, it's just  Steven Grunza
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- Unknown                          mailto:grunza at ulticom.com

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