GDB no debugging symbols

Sébastien JEFFROY sebastien.jeffroy.cxr at
Thu Feb 7 17:44:45 UTC 2008

Hi all,
I have an arm7tdmi, and I compiled my source code with -g option.
My object files : *.o have .debug sections, but my output doesn't have it
after $(LINK.c) so I can't use gdb to debug my application.
I tried make VARIANT=dedbug and --enable-rtems-debug but I have a problem
with a missing file : start_g.o
How can I generate the debugging symbols ?

I read the FAQ about debugging : but I didn't find an

My configuration :

define make-exe
    $(LINK.c) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) -o $(basename $@).obj \
       $(LINK_OBJS) $(LINK_LIBS)
    $(NM) -g -n $(basename $@).obj > $(basename $@).num;\
    arm-rtems-objcopy \
        --only-section=.text \
        --only-section=.endtext \
        --only-section=.begindata \ \
        --only-section=.enddata \
        --only-section=.bss \
        --only-section=.endbss \
        $(basename $@).obj $(basename $@).obj;\
    arm-rtems-objcopy --adjust-section-vma .data=`\
    arm-rtems-objdump --section-headers $(basename $@).obj | \
      awk 'function h2d(x) { x=toupper(x); digits=length(x); s=0 ; \
          for (p=digits; p>0; p--) \
           s += (16^(p-1)) * ( index("0123456789ABCDEF",\
            substr(x,1+digits-p,1)) -1 );\
            return s } ;\
            /\.text/ { base = $$4 ; size = $$3 };\
            END { printf("0x%x", h2d(base) + h2d(size)) }'` \
            $(basename $@).obj $(basename $@).exe ;\
    arm-rtems-objcopy --output-target=binary $(basename $@).exe $(basename
    $(SIZE) $(basename $@).obj ;\
    /opt/bin/chk1 -l $(basename $@).lm;\
    test -d ${PROJECT_RELEASE}/bin || mkdir ${PROJECT_RELEASE}/bin

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