Problems with gdb with mcf5235BCC EVB

Chris Caudle chris at
Fri Feb 8 15:33:08 UTC 2008

On Fri, February 8, 2008 7:37 am, matthew riek wrote:
> I have a problem either with VMWare or the machine

Is the parallel port wiggler the style where the host OS wiggles the
output pins directly to control the timing of the JTAG or BDM lines?

Assuming that is the case, the OS running in the virtual machine will be
controlling the timing to wiggle the pins of the virtual parallel port,
which will send requests to the host OS to wiggle the pins of the real
parallel port.  The virtual machine will be time sliced with whatever
other software is running on the host OS, so I suspect that the timing of
the signals on the real parallel port pins could be quite variable.

Chris Caudle

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