MinGW useage (Re: RTEMS 4.8.0 Available)

Gene Smith gds at chartertn.net
Sun Feb 24 00:37:01 UTC 2008

Smith, Gene SEA wrote, On 02/22/2008 10:17 AM:
 > I failed to prefix the "make all" with "sh" which got rid of the popup
 > errors.

Well, actually "sh" did not matter. This error just does not now occur.

 > However, still evenutally fails running the "compile" wrapper:

Not sure why this wrapper is invoked since I think current gcc supports 
both -c and -o together...?

Anyhow, this still fails in minGW for bsp csb337 but OK for csb336. Both 
are ARM940T.

Tried the build using Fedora 8 with rtems-4.8.0 RPMs and csb337 builds 
with no errors there. Suspect csb336 OK too but haven't tried it.

In f8, did notice something I am curious about. I do the "make all" in 
home. Then I do "sudo make install" and it fails at some point doing 
arm-rtem4.8-ranlib. However if I do su then make install it runs to 
completion with no errors. Why would sudo not work at this point? Saw 
same thing with rtems-4.7.


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