Wei Shen cquark at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 15:59:09 UTC 2008

Hi Joel,

Oh, I did not know you were busy. I still have several questions. They are
not urgent. I can wait until you are free.

Hoping your wife get better soon.

Wei Shen

On 7/26/08, Wei Shen <cquark at gmail.com> wrote:
... ...

Which location is prefered for pipe source files?
Currently, cpukits/libfs/pipe/.

Any document on how to complete all the configuration scripts and Makefiles,
and to add necessary configuration items?

Which location is prefered for pipe test code?
testsuites/psxtest/ ?

Is psxtest ported from somewhere?
I feel it is too consuming to design and implement testcases oneself.

At which level should the pipe module be initialized?
Currently, I initialize the pipe module at the initialization of each
FS supports it (IMFS_initialize_support to be more specific).

In my code, I always carefully assume rtems_semaphore_obtain and
rtems_barrier_wait may fail (not timeout or destroyed). Is that necessary?

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