LEON2 console ringbuf.h

jfa at reexsa.com jfa at reexsa.com
Fri Mar 14 17:21:38 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I am trying to build an RTEMS for a LEON2 processor using the UART support
(CONSOLE_USE_INTERRUPTS=1). The compilation fails when processing
console.cbecause it can not find

I have tried with rtems- and the prebuitl tools from Gaisler
Research, and with the rtems-4.8 and a self made toolchain. Both of them
work without problems without the UART support.

cd b-leon2
../rtems-4.8.0/configure --target=sparc-rtmes --enable-rtemsbsp=leon2
--enable-test=samples --disable-itron --disable-posix

Any hint of what could I be missing?

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