Get the output of a program in a file using QEmu

Jean-Claude Grange lebauce at
Sun Mar 16 11:20:54 UTC 2008


I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but I've searched on the mailing list and
didn't find an answer.
I'm trying to get the output of a RTEMS program (for example the Hello from the
samples testsuite) using QEmu, into a file. I'm using the command (on Linux) :

qemu -nographic -serial file:output.txt -boot a -fda myimage.img -hda fat:.

but I don't get anything in the 'output.txt' file. I also tried -serial
/dev/ttyS* and with the -monitor stdio option but I still have nothing. I must
be doing something wrong.

I would really appreciate your help.
Thank you

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