PowerPC exceptions and interrupts

Sebastian Huber Sebastian.Huber at embedded-brains.de
Wed May 14 10:07:30 UTC 2008

I adapted the shared exception and interrupt 
(libcpu/powerpc/new-exceptions/*) code to work with the e200z6 and this 
lead to some comments.

The current code implicitly defines BSP_SHARED_HANDLER_SUPPORT. I 
modified it to support this preprocessor directive. Where is the right 
place to define it?

Currently the shared interrupt handler support works like a stack. You 
can push and pop a handler. But in BSP_remove_rtems_irq_handler is also 
code that removes the handler from a list. What was intended?

The interrupt support code only ensures that interrupts are disabled 
during critical sections. May it be useful to add a mutex to support 
usage in multiple threads?

The BSP interrupt routines are declared in cpukit/include/rtems/irq.h 
but don't follow the RTEMS naming conventions. A RTEMS interface for 
interrupts would be nice?

I found no place where the entry isOn from rtems_irq_connect_data is 
used. We may remove it.

The MPC5566 evaluation board has only 128kB internal RAM. Due to the 328 
interrupt sources the interrupt handler table is quite big: 7896 Bytes 
(6% of internal RAM). The exception handler table is also not very small 
with 896 Bytes (0.7% of internal RAM). Thus I want to introduce two new 
BSP_CONFIG_CONSTANT_INTERRUPT_TABLE and modify the code to support 
constant tables.


embedded brains GmbH
Sebastian Huber           Obere Lagerstr. 30
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
Tel. : +49-89-18 90 80 79-6
Fax  : +49-89-18 90 80 79-9
email: Sebastian.Huber at embedded-brains.de
PGP public key available on request

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