Udp no buffer error

fall4ufeng fall4ufeng at gmail.com
Mon May 26 08:16:31 UTC 2008

hi all:
I met "RTEMS:Can't send :No buffer space available" error when i test the UDP transmit.
I only tried to send 500 small packets.I added rtems_bsdnet_show_mbuf_stats() before the program exited,
and the output is as following:

************ MBUF STATISTICS ************

mbufs:1024    clusters: 128    free:  59

drops:   0       waits:   0  drains:   0

      free:898           data:126         header:0           socket:0       

       pcb:0           rtable:0           htable:0           atable:0       

    soname:0           soopts:0           ftable:0           rights:0       

    ifaddr:0          control:0          oobdata:0       

     It can send packets successfully when i added sleep(1) between it trasnmit each packet.
     Can someone give advices  ? Thanks .

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