Using RTEMS kernel on arm based board - bare bsp

Vinod Kulkarni vinodk at
Mon May 5 08:59:22 UTC 2008


    My serial port settings are:

Baud - 115200

Data - 8

Stop - 1

Parity - None

Hardware flow control - None

Software flow control - None


Could you please tell me what is the expected behavior (I have loaded
hello.exe file)?





From: xu ray [ at] 
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 2:09 PM
To: vinodk at
Cc: rtems-users at
Subject: Re: Using RTEMS kernel on arm based board - bare bsp


It is not the expected behavior. 
How about your serial port's setting, Rate/Nor/7bit.....

2008/5/5 Vinod Kulkarni <vinodk at>:


    I am using arm based board (PXA255 based). I have built RTEMS kernel
with bare bsp. I have my own boot-loader which is capable of loading the
kernel. Once I load the kernel I am getting a dot (.) as the output. Could
you please let me know whether this is the expected behavior?





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