Thomas Dörfler Thomas.Doerfler at
Sun Sep 21 07:55:08 UTC 2008


during some testing of rtems-4.9-branch I came across a modification
that was made some time ago: The old Cpu_table field
"do_zero_of_workspace" was moved to the Configuration table and its
default initialization is now controlled using a BSP define called


This is generally ok.

BUT: according to my grep results, this setting is used only in two BSPs
now: the arm/rtl22xx, and the powerpc/mvme5500

I really can't belive, that this setting is NOT required by other BSPs.
When browsing the various Changelogs (e.g. powerpc/Changelog) , I found
references that before these changes the default for
"do_zero_of_workspace" in bootcard.c was TRUE, now it is obviously FALSE
for most of the BSPs.

What did I miss? Why is "do_zero_of_workspace" no longer required for
most of the BSPs?

Is this a show-stopper for the 4.9.0 version?

Any insights welcome!


embedded brains GmbH
Thomas Doerfler           Obere Lagerstr. 30
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
Tel. : +49-89-18 90 80 79-2
Fax  : +49-89-18 90 80 79-9
email: Thomas.Doerfler at
PGP public key available on request

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