Problem of performance with RTEMS 4.6.2 / LEON 2

DUTOIT Pascal pascal.dutoit at
Wed Dec 23 10:36:16 UTC 2009


Our product uses RTEMS 4.6.2 on LEON 2 (clock : 20 MHz) with a tick of  
1 ms. In this configuration, a problem of performance appears:
- when any task uses a RTEMS directive, before calling it, the task  
stores this action in a trace, with a date/time (accuracy:1 µs).
- then, we have activated the "User Extension Manager" in which we  
connect, for instance, the task context switch managed by RTEMS. We  
store this other information into the same trace (cf.  
USER_EXTENSION_MNGR_Thread_Switch with the current task information).

By comparing these two dates, we can see what is the amount of µs  
between the RTEMS directive called by the application AND the end of  
the context switch of the current task.

We noticed this amount can reach more than 700 µs, for each call.
Some of our tasks are activated each 16 ms. If there are, for example,  
10 context switchs during a 16 ms cycle, the wasted time can reach 7 ms.

What could we do to strongly reduce this amount?

PS: Storing a trace costs 10 µs. Therefore, the instrumentation with  
this trace does not disturb the behaviour of the product and of RTEMS.


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