Rtems for a space project

Massimo Tipaldi mtipaldi at cgspace.it
Tue Jan 13 14:48:20 UTC 2009


I have downloaded QEMU from http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~qemu-win/.

The file is qemu-0.9.0-windows.zip.

Window version of QEMU: 0.9.0
GNU GRUB version 1.94


Joel Sherrill ha scritto:
> Massimo Tipaldi wrote:
>> OK, I experienced myself that the Rtems makefiles are not correct 
>> ...but I should solve my issue, if it is possible.
> I have been unable to duplicate any problem you have reported.
> I don't know what is going wrong with your install.
>> In any case, I'd like to know if:
>> 1) someone has considering compiling an easy RTEMS application on 
>> Windows PC for i386(and not on a Linux PC, where I konw that it works)
> It works on Windows but the main developers use Windows
> as little as possible.  The Eclipse plugin work was initially
> done on Windows.
>> 2) how this application can be make compliant with Grub (Elf 
>> file/multiboot specification).
> You have at least 4 variables.  I suspect your qemu/grub
> setup.  Can you tell me where you got your Windows version
> of Qemu and what version it is.  The one I see is not that latest
> version and that by itself is enough to cause issues.
> With that, I will run the executable and grub setup I have
> on Linux on Windows so we can be sure that a known good
> RTEMS executable can even run on the version of qemu
> you have.
> I do LOTS of testing on qemu/rtems/grub/linux.  This is
> how the i386-rtems tool test results are generated.  That is
> ~80K tests in batch mode.  There are many Windows users.
> So we need to reduce variables.  First order is to split it
> between rtems/tools and qemu.
>> I insist on these points:
>> 1) the Grub set-up is correct and the source of this failure is 
>> somewhere else (the hello.exe in testsuites/samples works)
>> 2) I have followed all the Rtems wiki instructions to install the 
>> toolchains, rtems and so on; the packages have been downloaded 
>> following the links shown on Rtems wiki.
>> Can I hope to solve this issue? Is Rtems today mature for Windows?
>> Massimo
>> rtwas ha scritto:
>>> Hello,
>>> Ralf Corsepius wrote:
>>>>  Makefile.inc is a different class of problem.
>>>>  My personal answer to all Makefile.inc related problems: I refuse to
>>>>  answer any Makefile.inc related issues, because I consider RTEMS
>>>>  Makefile-template system to be mal-designed kid-stuff, RTEMS should
>>>>  have stopped dropped a long time ago ;)
>>> ;)
>>> I was never comfortable with having the make-system *hidden* from me. 
>>> I made
>>> an attempt to be a *good boy* and use it but couldn't get it to work 
>>> for my particular
>>> build so I ended up reverse engineering it (Makefile templates etc.) 
>>> and writing my
>>> own (Makefile system) from scratch.
>>> Robert W.
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Eng. Massimo Tipaldi
Technical Directorate
SW Principal Engineer

Carlo Gavazzi Space SpA
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