test build of 4.9 started

Feng, Kate feng at bnl.gov
Tue Mar 10 04:43:45 UTC 2009

At http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)
The "Hello, world example shows:
int main(void)
The footnotes 10 states  :
"The main function actually has two arguments, int argc and char *argv[], respectively, which can be used to handle command line arguments <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_line_arguments> . The C standard requires that both forms of main be supported, which is special treatment not afforded any other function."

Thus, the information I have did not mention that main function has three arguements.
However, it's true that main() can afford sepcial treament as long as it is defined consistently
throughout the code.  I am not aware that it broke any code.  It was just my concern about
being consistent.  I agree it's better to follow the C99 standard.  It seems that C99 follows 
C standard  for  the main() function.

From: Joel Sherrill [mailto:joel.sherrill at oarcorp.com]
Sent: Mon 3/9/2009 3:02 PM
To: Kate Feng
Cc: RTEMS Users
Subject: Re: test build of 4.9 started

Kate Feng wrote:
> Please never mind.   I just realized that RTEMS main() is
> indeed defined as
> int main(int   argc,  char **argv, char **environp)
> instead of the usual
> int main( int, char **);
It would be better to match C99 though if we can
get a definitive answer.

> Kate
> Kate Feng wrote:
>> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just started a test build of the 4.9 branch.
>>> If all goes well, I will cut 4.9.2 once it is
>>> finished.
>>> pr1385 will be closed.  I am building with
>>> the latest patch.
>>> If you have an outstanding issue, yell now.
>> In cpukit/libmisc/dummy/dummy.c, should
>> "int main( int, char **, char **); "
>> be corrected as
>> "int main( int, char **);"
>> ?
>> Is there a conflict ?
>> Kate
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