[RTEMS File System] - Flash Memories for Space Applications

Angelo Fraietta newsgroups at smartcontroller.com.au
Sat May 2 23:11:19 UTC 2009


I used RTEMs with a flash IDE, using MSDOS interface for my Ph.D. project.

What I did, however, was use the RTEMS file system and stream that to 
disk at certain points. When I booted my device, it streamed the data 
from the flash device into the RTEMS file system.

Michele Fabiano wrote:
> Hi, everybody!
> I'm Michele Fabiano, PhD Student in Politecnico di Torino.
> With my group, we are working on Flash Memory for Space Applications 
> and, now we are facing some problems (as wondered... :D).
> Our final goal should be to get a Non Volatile Storing Device (let's 
> simply say an Hard Disk) based on Flash Memory Technology; a lot of 
> requirements need to be met, but do not take care of them! ;)
> However we know that the OBC (On-Board Computer) that is going to be 
> sent in the space will have the RTEMS OS on it and so we were 
> investigating first of all *_WHAT to do_*, i.e., all the possibilities 
> that we can use in our design, crossing them with RTEMS capabilities.
> First of all we would like to choose the "best" suitable File-System 
> for Space Applications: I read on your nice Wiki pages that, actually, 
> in the MSDOS FS there is the "Block Device" supporting "Flash disk", 
> mainly accomplishing a block-device emulation, creating the illusion 
> that the OS and the applications are accessing a "classic" Hard Disk 
> (e.g., FAT32 formatted) but in reality there's a hidden mapping 
> between a block-device (just existing and that the OS can just use) 
> and the Flash device. (correct me if I'm wrong)
> I point out once more that we are investigating on WHAT to do: that's 
> why I'm thinking a lot about it. In fact:
> *:)* -> on one side for us there's the chance to choose the "simplest" 
> way to go on, choosing a FS just supported by your RTEMS;
> *:(* -> on the other side there's the fact that actually there's no 
> support for Journaling, and so we need to manage power failures by 
> ourselves (and for sure we need to do it in Space Applications, and 
> also _/power consumption/ is a big issue concerning Space Applications_).
> So we're wondering also about choosing the "hardest" way to go on, 
> developing or just re-using a native FS which supports Journaling 
> (e.g., YAFFS) and could be more "suitable" for our goals.
> So, my questions are:
>    1. in your experience, what do you think is the _*"best" way to
>       proceed*_? If you were me, what would you be wondering and
>       taking care of?
>    2. depending in your previous answer, could you please suggest me
>       some stuff to "study" to accomplish your idea? Or some tips to
>       not lose too much time developing something that someone just
>       did better than me? (Let's say, some _*tips to not reinvent the
>       wheel*_! :D )
> We do not have too much experience with RTEMS, a little bit more 
> experienced with Flash Memories and that's why I am here asking you 
> those questions: _we do not know which are the actual capabilities 
> generating from the crossing of these 2 "strange" animals_, i.e., 
> RTEMS and Flash Memories, and if there is a one-size-fits-all solution 
> or whatever else...we simply do not know! :D
> Sorry for the lenght, but I tried to be the most accurate I could.
> Any help/suggestion/remark will be really appreciated! Thanks in 
> advance for everything!
> Have a nice day!
> Michele
> PS: just in case, if someone is interested, I could send him my 
> academic mail to share more details! See you! ;)
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Michele FABIANO
> Politecnico di Torino
> Dip. di Automatica e Informatica
> Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
> I-10129 Torino TO
> Italy
> "Hard•ware n. The part of a computer system that can be kicked."
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