RFC: Drop GoAHead / cpukit/httpd webserver?

Eric Valette Eric.Valette at Free.fr
Wed Nov 18 10:59:28 UTC 2009

On 18/11/2009 10:03, Chris Johns wrote:
> Thanks Eric. The following is not specifically directed at you rather 
> they are general questions we should consider.
As far as I'm concerned: I'm not using goahead anymore and I agree it is 
dead code that can be dropped. I dunno about the licence but I'm sure at 
the time (7 years ago!) we checked and got an official statement we can 
include the code in RTEMS without problem. The replacement I would 
personally choose is appweb. Note that there are many project still 
using this code. A well known one is XBMC but there are others...
> This whole site leaves me concerned. They state the license is GPL but 
> you can obtain a commercial license which has a page headed 
> "Commercial License Benefits". Huh did I miss something about open 
> source ? To me this is not open source. I would not use it because any 
> fixes or improvements I release would have to be licensed to them to 
> be included up stream so they can enforce the commercial license 
> otherwise they would have to include all contributors in the 
> commercial agreements and that is commercially silly.
For me it is perfectly fine with open source. It was the same for qt, 
mysql, and is still the same for many tools (e.g knowledge tree). If you 
use the GPL version, you must respect the licence and give back any 
change you make if you make a distribution following a proper disclamer 
of right (as for code donated to the FSF). If you want to keep your 
modification, get paid support, and not be affected by the GPL virality, 
you may then buy a commercial licence.

> I think GoAhead should be removed from the tree on these grounds alone.
Do not mix goahed and appweb. As goahead public code was GPL and 
unmaintained, someone picked it up and created appweb. A classical GPL 
fork. Then if no single line of original code remains being bound by 
initial developper licence...

-- eric

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