Accessing serial ports on Coldfire

Andrei Chichak groups at
Fri Oct 2 03:39:00 UTC 2009

Holy cow, I know what I'm working on next. I just found the  
documentation. WOW is this going to help with debugging.

Thanks a lot.


On 2009-October-01, at 9:34 PM, Chris Johns wrote:

> Andrei Chichak wrote:
>> Okay, I don't seem to be understanding something very basic.
>> Do you mean checking the /dev directory on my embedded system?
> Yes.
>> If so, I've missed the big pink elephant in the room. How do I fire  
>> up a shell? I thought that I fire up processes and send messages.
> The header file shell.h has the interface. You can fire up a shell  
> with code like:
>  void
>  shell_start (void)
>  {
>    rtems_status_code sc;
>    printf ("Starting shell....\n\n");
>    sc = rtems_shell_init ("fstst", 60 * 1024, 150,
>                           "/dev/console", 0, 1, NULL);
>    if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
>      printf ("error: starting shell: %s (%d)\n",
>              rtems_status_text (sc), sc);
>  }
> The shell is only to provide an 'ls' command to find the names of  
> the device nodes for your BSP. You could write code to readdir the / 
> dev directory and print the contents rather than use the shell.
> My Coldfire target is currently not running so I cannot provide what  
> I have on the 5235 BSP.
> The UART driver normally creates a /dev device node in the IMFS file  
> system so the code following can work in a standard manner:
> #include <termios.h>
> struct termios term;
> int uart = open ("/dev/uart1", O_RDWR);
> if (tcgetattr(uart, &term) < 0)
>   printf ("error: cannot get terminal attributes: %s\n",
>           strerror (errno));
> cfsetispeed (&term, B38400);
> cfsetospeed (&term, B38400);
> if (tcsetattr (uart, TCSADRAIN, &term) < 0)
>   printf ("error: cannot set terminal attributes: %s\n",
>           strerror (errno));
> close (uart);
> Regards
> Chris

Andrei Chichak

Systems Developer
CBF Systems Inc.
4-038 NINT Innovation Centre
11421 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2M9

Phone: 780-628-2072
Skype: andrei.chichak

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