Need help to explain the test result

Leon Pollak leonp at
Sun Jan 10 15:17:02 UTC 2010

Hello, all.

I am trying to do the task switch logger. 
For this I installed the user extension and the function "TASK SWITCH 
Extension", which logs (into cyclic buffer) the current_task->

Everything seems to work, but I have 2 questions:

1. Sometimes I see the name 0x10e150 to appear. Under debugger, I see this 
name when an external interrupt occurs and task switch is called from the ISR 
handler. Strange, as I thought that IRQ has no "task" context. OK, but what is 
this name? I did:
(gdb) p/x current_task->Object
p/x current_task->Object
$59 = {Node = {next = 0x54f410, previous = 0x54f40c}, id = 0x9010001, name = 

2. For now, I designated the above as "*IRQ" name and continued. Then, I 
received something that I can not understand:
*IRQ    MRT2    V2HD    FCr1    FCr1    V2HD    FCr1    FCr1    V2HD    FCr1    
V2HD    FCr1 

How can it be that FCr1 is repeated? There was a context switch to itself!?

Many thanks for the help.

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