Network packets loss

Daron Chabot daron.chabot at
Wed Jan 20 17:14:04 UTC 2010

Hi Leon,

What does the network topology look like between sender and receiver ?

-- dc

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Leon Pollak <leonp at> wrote:
> Hello to network gurus...:-)
> I have the test box sending 25,000 UDP packets of 1450 bytes length (at about
> 600KB/s) numbered by counter in the first byte of the packet.
> My application (RTEMS 4.8.0 MPC8260 at 250MHz) receives packets and counts
> received packets and lost packets if any.
> And there are lost packets!
> The application says that it sees 20 packets lost and received 24,980 packets
> in one test.
> I read the network statistics and see that the Ethernet controller received
> 25,000 packets of greater then 1024 bytes - those are my box packets.
> Where have these 20 packets went to?
> There are no errors in any RMON counter, no errors in UDP statistics.
> The only one strange thing I see is the number of "of above, arrived as
> broadcast" which is VERY large (14562) and can not be correct (when I was too
> busy in the application, additional string in UDP statistics appeared saying
> something like "dropped because receiving buffer overflow", but this is not
> the case now).
> Please, help!!!
> Where can be another hole in the stack which drops my packets?
> Many many thanks ahead.
> --
> Leon.
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