Yet more MinGW Build Issues

Chris Johns chrisj at
Thu Oct 21 09:15:24 UTC 2010

On 21/10/10 12:24 AM, Sam Lost wrote:
> I would be happy to use 4.10 however, the link given in the following
> document is incorrect:

Ok lets work on 4.10.


That could be true. Things have changed and the documentation has not 
been updated. MinGW is changing the way you use it so lets work with the 
latest and get it into the list archive.

Head over to

Download mingw-get-inst-20100813.exe and run. I selected the C++ and 
MSYS Base System option in the "Select Components" section. You may need 
to scroll down to find "MSYS Basic System". It will open a cmd.exe box 
and then download most of the needed bits.

A missing package not downloaded is perl. Open the MSYS link on the 
MinGW file page and look for the latest perl version and download the 
bin lzma file. Open a MSYS shell. It is under "C:\MinGW\msys\1.0".

Enter these commands:

  $ cd /c/MinGW/msys/1.0
  $ cat ~/My\ 
Documents/Downloads/perl-5.6.1_2-2-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.lzma | lzma -d | 
tar xvf -

Now edit "/etc/fstab" to have:

  $ cat /etc/fstab
  C:\MinGW\   /mingw
  c:\opt\     /opt

Note, this is c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\etc\fstab. It also assumes you have a 
directory c:\opt. If not please add.

Now download the prebuild tar files from the RTEMS ftp users (or a 
mirror) found here:

I will download the PowerPC target. The list is:


To installed, in the MSYS shell enter:

  $ cd /c
  $ cat ~/My\ 
| bzip2 -d | tar xvf -
  $ cat ~/My\ 
Documents/Downloads/rtems-4.10-powerpc-rtems4.10-gcc-4.4.5-2.tar.bz2 | 
bzip2 -d | tar xvf -
  $ cat ~/My\ 
| bzip2 -d | tar xvf -
  $ cat ~/My\ 
| bzip2 -d | tar xvf -
  $ cat ~/My\ 
| bzip2 -d | tar xvf -
  $ cat ~/My\ 
Documents/Downloads/rtems-4.10-powerpc-rtems4.10-newlib-1.18.0-17.tar.bz2 | 
bzip2 -d | tar xvf -

You also need to install the autoconf and automake packages.

  $ cd /c
  $ cat ~/My\ Documents/Downloads/rtems-4.10-autoconf-2.68-1.tar.bz2 | 
bzip2 -d | tar xvf -
  $ cat ~/My\ Documents/Downloads/rtems-4.10-automake-1.11.1-2.tar.bz2 | 
bzip2 -d | tar xvf -

Update your path and you should be able to build RTEMS from the 4.10 branch.

If you get a zlib dll error look in the MinGW bin directory for a zlib 
dll and copy it to the name the RTEMS tools reports. I will update this 
thread with that info when I see it.


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